The Reasons For The Scratches Left By Floor Renovation

In the process of floor renovation, we sometimes encounter the problem of scratches on the floor. Although we should deal with the problem in time, we must also figure out the cause of the scratches. This can be better avoid the occurrence of such problems.

Abrasive problems  

1. The design of the diamond tools is unreasonable

When designing the segment and grit of the concrete floor diamond tools, it is not ruled out that some manufacturers have unreasonable design, which in fact causes 50# to jump directly to the span of 200# or even 300#, which is easy to leave scratches. On the other hand, the diamond tools of the same manufacturer can suppress the scratches step by step, but different manufacturers may not be able to be suppressed if they are mixed, which will cause scratches.

2. The problems in the production of the diamond tools

When the manufacturer does not pay attention to the ingredients, or the abrasive tools are not cleaned, the abrasive particle of different size will be mixed. For example, if some 50# abrasive particles are mixed into 200# diamond tools, later use will also cause scratches.

Manual operation problem

1.Skip the particle size when using the diamond tools

In order to save time and effort, many workers skip the particle size of diamond tools during construction. For example, after grinding with 50# diamond tools, jump directly to 200#, with 100# missing in the middle. Such skipped particle sizes are especially prone to scratches. Rough grinding, fine grinding and polishing are the three stages of grinding. The reason why the corresponding diamond tools particle size is set at each stage is verified by theory and experiment, and it is not set randomly. The purpose of each number segment is to suppress the scratches of the previous number segment. If skip the particle size when using the diamond tools, the problems will naturally occur.

2. Cross grinding is not in place   

The grinding of an area should cover any place evenly. If there is no strict and uniform grinding method, then in the same area, there will be a situation where this number segment has been ground, but the next number segment may not be ground. The scratches will naturally remain, and the more difficult it will be to solve later. 

3. There is no cleaning after grinding  

After grinding with the diamond tools, if the slurry on the floor and the residue on the grinding machine are not cleaned in time, the abrasive particles in it will cause serious scratches when grinding with the next diamond tools. 

4. The grinder speed is too fast

When using the grinder to refurbish the floor, if the grinder rotates too fast, it will also leave scratches on the floor. So it is necessary to adjust the grinder speed so that the grinding is not easy to produce scratches, and it is more efficient.

It can be seen that there are two main reasons causing the scratches. One is the problem of abrasives, the other is the problem of manual operation. And when you find scratches on the floor, you should figure out the main reason and deal with it in time. Of course, taking preventive measures is an ideal way to ensure that the floor is not scratched.

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